Vital Plant Nutrition Program™ is a complete plant nutrition system developed for row crops and some specialty crops, for farmers who are constantly seeking more yields and better quality of harvest through proven water-soluble nutrient technology. Our proposal is based on multi-nutrient and well-balanced formulations added with organic components to enhance crop performance. Our program consists of a pop-up starter fertilizer and three Hi-specialty fertilizers, that can be applied either straight or combined, designed to fit specific needs of any crop and any farmer.

All VPNP™ products are powered by RBT® Root Bioenhancer Technology—a combination of organic acids in precise balance with inorganic nutrients that boost root biomass development and increase nutrient uptake by an improved interaction between soil and root system. By following this complete program, you can increase yields and improve quality at harvest through a base fertilization before planting, an effective emergence at planting, and a consistent vegetative development in post-emergence.

Vital Plant Nutrition Program™ is supported by Vital Hi-Calc® a simple yet powerful plant nutrient calculator that allows the farmer to follow suggested nutrition programs or create their own. From a very simple program with only one application either as preplant, pop-up, or sidedress, to a very complete program with multiple applications covering all modes, one preplant, pop-up, and 2 or 3 sidedress applications.
Vital Plant Nutrition Program™
is designed to fit the specific needs of any crop and any farmer.

Vital Hi-Calc® can help a farmer determine:

Vital Plant Nutrition Program™ versatility makes very simple and affordable getting specialized nutrition for your row crops. Deliver just the right amount of nutrients that your crop demands (calculate balance and dosage with Hi-Calc®). Use the right source of nutrients (choose between different nitrogen sources, all our formulae only use orthophosphates and premium raw materials). Apply at preplant, at sowing
(only Vital Start®) or as post-emergence fertilization (straight or mixed up).

Straight or combined… fulfill all your plant nutrient needs!


Real experiences, actual results

"My program is corn and milo, on both crops I've used the Vital Start® pop-up fertilizer at 5 gallons an acre, and then I used the Vital Hi-N® as far as a sidedress for the corn and milo, and I'm very pleased with the way the plants are responding to both products..."

-Heron Castillo

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"We noticed a phenomenal difference in emergence. Much better tan I ever expected. Even in more adverse conditions, Vital Start® pop-up fertilizer has performed very well. We haven’t seen this in a long time..."

-Mike England

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"We noticed a difference from the very first day. At the end we saved 10 days with greater quality, better product. We had an average of 8 to 10% higher weight in turnip."

-Fermin Leal

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